Creating an NDIS Invoice

Manual Invoice

Estimated Time: 15 Minutes

  • Create a Template

    Start with a PDF, or a Word Document Template, so you don't have to re-create a new invoice every time.

  • Business Details

    Include your Business Details, including Business name, ABN, phone number and contact number

  • Client Details

    Add the client details; Name, Date of Birth, NDIS Number, Contact Details

  • Include the Payer To Details

    Make sure the invoice is being sent to the right place - is it a plan manager? The client themselves, or a guardian?

  • Invoice Number

    A unique invoicing number is really important. This helps you track payments and remittance advice when your invoices get paid.

  • Service Date

    Every NDIS related invoice needs a 'Service Date', that is, the date the service was provided.

  • Service Code

    A service code is from the NDIS Pricing Arrangement and Price Limits. Make sure your invoice has the right code for the service you have provided. Not sure? Check out our Line-Item Guide

  • Unit Price

    The Unit price is also available in the NDIS Pricing Arrangements. It's the total fee per hour of the service you deliver.

  • Service Duration

    The service duration is best recorded in intervals of 0.25 hours. For example, if you did a 2 and a half-hour shift, utilise 2.5 for the duration.

  • GST

    Ensure you record GST on the invoice accurately. GST charges are individual, and subject to a range of factors related to your business structure, and the service you provide.

  • Bank Details

    Include your bank details, so the payer knows where to send the money!

  • Send

    Send the invoice to the right place, but be sure to keep a copy, so you can follow up if there is any delay in payment.

  • Keep Track of Payments

    Keeping track of payments made, payments missed, and payments delayed is really important. If you're not using Blueset, there are other accounting tools available, or if you're really keen, a spreadsheet will do the job.

Invoice with Blueset

Estimated Time: 30 Seconds

  • Create Booking

    When you click your Blueset calendar to create a shift. Select a client, and the service you will be providing.

  • Select Shifts to be Invoiced

    Once your shift is finished, record your notes, and click 'Create Invoice'. Select the shift you've completed. Or, if you've done multiple shifts, click all the ones that you want to combine to a single invoice.

  • Send

    Blueset has created the invoice for you, with all the information you need. Click send, and a PDF will be sent to the Client, or their Plan Manager.

  • Mark as Paid

    When you see that payment come into your account, just click 'Mark as Paid', on the invoice. Your dashboard will be updated with total payments received, and you can get right back to seeing your next client.